Confident Agency (, agenție specializată în comunicare de marketing, a obținut premiul pentru categoria Comunicarea Inovației în cadrul celei de a 8-a ediții a prestigioasei Gale Smart City Industry Awards (SCIA 8), organizată de Asociația Română pentru Smart City (ARSC).
ARSC a premiat cele mai revoluționare inițiative din domeniul dezvoltării urbane, sustenabilității și transformării digitale. În cadrul SCIA 8 au fost acordate 39 de premii pentru 8 categorii, pe sectoare variate de activitate, de la mobilitate, transport urban, dezvoltare și infrastructură, inclusiv securitatea datelor și confidențialitate.
În total, 60 de proiecte au fost înscrise în competiție, cu o valoare totală de aproximativ 2 miliarde de euro, reprezentând 1% din PIB-ul României, un record pentru Smart City Industry Awards.
“Acest premiu ne onorează și reconfirmă coerența strategică a Confident în a construi în cadrul agenției o expertiză consistentă în înțelegerea și comunicarea companiilor de tehnologie și a inovației. Confident Agency are deja un portofoliu complex în poziționarea unor branduri relevante de tehnologie din domeniul consumer electronics, soluții pentru ecommerce & retail, agritech, cyber security, fintech, soluții enterprise sau de infrastructură. ARSC este cel mai influent reprezentant al sinergiilor public-private pentru crearea și implementarea de proiecte care transformă România în smart nation, iar acest parteneriat ne ambiționează să îi susținem cu toate resursele în obiectivul pe care și l-au propus” , declară Mara Gojgar, fondator Confident Agency.
“Confident Agency este un partener de comunicare dinamic și cu o înțelegere profundă a domeniului complex pe care îl descriu proiectele de smart village, smart city, și în final smart nation. Evenimentul SCIA cu numărul 8 a prezentat un număr impresionant de categorii, fiecare dintre acestea evidențiind soluțiile inovatoare care contribuie la progresul mediului urban. De la mobilitate și transport urban la sustenabilitate și transformare digitală, premiile demonstrează dorința de a crea e orașe mai eficiente, mai incluzive și mai durabile. Însă în România se fac mult mai multe la acest capitol”, a declarat Eduard Dumitrașcu, Președintele ARSC.
Juriul premiilor Smart City Industry Awards 2024 (SCIA 8) a fost format din personalități notabile din diverse sectoare, fiecare dintre acestea aducând o expertiză și o viziune extinsă în procesul de evaluare. Condus de primarul Ciprian Ciucu, președintele juriului, juriul a inclus personalități distinse precum Dragoș-Cristian Vlad, președintele Autorității pentru Digitalizarea României; Traian Urban, director al Innovation Hub East la EIT Urban Mobility; Valeriu Zgonea, președintele Autorității Naționale pentru Administrare și Reglementare în Comunicații (ANCOM); prof. Guido Perboli de la Universitatea Politehnică din Torino; Liviu Băileșteanu, Director de Politici și Strategii în cadrul MDLPA, Ministerul Dezvoltării, Lucrărilor Publice și Administrației; Cătălin Frangulea, Director General al Asociației Metropolitane pentru Dezvoltarea Durabilă a Transportului Public Brașov; Nicoleta Cîrjan, Șef Birou Relații Externe, Turism și Evenimente din cadrul Primăriei Brașov; și Chris Cooke, Fondator și CEO al SmartCitiesWorld.
Lista completă a câștigătorilor:
1. Mobilitate și transport urban – Transport Public București Ilfov (TPBI), În pas cu tehnologia, mai aproape de călători!
2. Inovare și sustenabilitate în administrație – Adrian Țuțuianu, Secretar General al Guvernului
3. Digitalizarea și transformarea digitală (Digitalizarea serviciilor publice) – Primăria Municipiului Călărași, Fundamentarea deciziilor, planificare strategică și măsuri simplificate pentru cetățeni la nivelul administrației publice a Municipiului Călărași
4. Tehnologie și inovare – ICI București, proiect de integrare a tehnologiei NFT în serviciile publice, ICI Decentralized Services.
5. Sustenabilitate și mediu – Glovo & eMobility Rentals, proiect pilot de livrări eco-friendly în București
6. Sustenabilitate și mediu – BMF România, Premiul pentru “Excelență în Sustenabilitate și Mediu”
7. Incluziune socială și accesibilitate – Primarul Sectorului 5 Cristian Popescu Piedone – pentru proiectul Locuințe nZeb pentru tineri în Sectorul 5 al municipiului București
8. Educație și cultură în orașele inteligente – Echipa Națională de Robotică Autovortex România
9. Inovare civică și transformare digitală – Phoenix Media
10. Mobilitate și transport urban – Urban Scope & Primăria Constanța, Îmbunătățirea mobilității în municipiul Constanța, zona Bulevardul Mamaia
11. Parteneriatul anului – Ministerul Transporturilor & Autoritatea pentru Reformă Feroviară
12. Sustenabilitate și mediu – Primăria Tecuci, Revitalizarea și regenerarea zonei urbane a parcului Carol I, municipiul Tecuci
13. Mobilitate și transport urban – Primăria Galați & Swarco România, Transport modern în municipiul Galați
14. Digitalizare și transformare digitală – Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI) pentru proiectele Funcționarul electronic ANTONIA și IMM Mentor
15. Tehnologie și inovare – Primăria Buzău – Sistem inteligent de management al traficului și transportului public
16. Tehnologie și Inovare – PAID pentru integrarea asigurării obligatorii împotriva dezastrelor naturale pe
17. Implicare și inovare pentru tineret – Prefectul Capitalei, Rareș Hopinca pentru proiectul de prevenire și combatere a consumului de droguri în rândul tinerilor
18. Cel mai bun proiect Smart City – Primăria Sectorului 6, primarul Ciprian Ciucu
19.Primarul Anului în 2024 – Astrid Fodor, primarul municipiului Sibiu. Ciprian Ciucu, câștigătorul acestui premiu în 2023, a predat președinția juriului pentru ediția SCIA 2025 lui Astrid Fodor, iar la categoria Dezvoltare și Infrastructură Urbană Inovatoare cu proiectul Amenajarea malurilor râului Cibin cu piste pentru biciclete și spații pentru relaxare.
20. Cea mai bună companie pentru un oraș inteligent – Mira Technology
21. CEO-ul anului – Florin Pisică, CEO Top Metrology
22. Mobilitate și transport urban – SMS Ticketing, proiectul Micro plăți prin SMS
23. Inovație în domeniul eficienței energetice și al sustenabilității – ELCEN
24. Mobilitate și transport urban – Anadolu Automobil Rom, proiectul Înnoirea transportului public în Oraşul Chitila prin achiziționarea a 23 de autobuze electrice şi stațiilor de încărcare aferente
25. Premiul special ARSC – Metrorex, proiect Legătura rețelei de metrou cu Aeroportul Internațional Henri Coandă. Magistrala 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni
26. Tehnologie și inovare – Vantage Towers, Customer Portal
27. Mobilitate și transport urban – Primăria Municipiului Iași, Transport public verde și inteligent – Modernizare Depou Dacia
28. Dezvoltare urbană și infrastructură inovatoare – Aeroportul Internațional Craiova, Extinderea și Modernizarea Aeroportului Internațional Craiova
29. Digitalizare și transformare digitală – Fast Park & Orange România pentru Romexpo Parking & Ticketing
30. Tehnologie și inovație – Regista pentru Soluția Regista
31. Mobilitate și transport urban – Primăria Municipiului Focșani & TeleLink, Managementul Transportului Public
32. Mobilitate și transport urban – Primăria Municipiului Alba Iulia, Sistem integrat de mobilitate
33. Digitalizare și transformare digitală – Primăria Suceava, Centrul de Inovare și Imaginație Civică
34. Sustenabilitate și mediu – Primăria Municipiului Piatra Neamț, Proiect regenerare urbana – Zoo
35. Comunicarea inovației – Confident. Agency
36. Mobilitate și transport urban – Primăria Drobeta Turnu Severin & Scope Systems, Stații inteligente de autobuz
37. Educație și cultură în orașele inteligente – Primăria Botoșani – Proiectul “Eminescu, o cultură, o rădăcină”
38. Educație și cultură în orașe inteligente – Primăria Bistrița- Proiect Orașele economice prin eficiență energetică și comunități low-tech
39. Dezvoltare urbană și infrastructură inovativă – Primăria Câmpina, Extinderea, modernizarea și dotarea spațiului pietonal din zona centrală a municipiului Câmpina
Gala Smart City Industry Awards, ediția 8 a fost organizată Sub Patronajul Ministerului Energiei și în parteneriat cu EIT Urban Mobility un organism al Uniunii Europene.
Partener Principal: Urban Scope
Parteneri Platinum: Magus by Mira Technologies, Glovo, eMobility Rentals
Eveniment susținut de: BAT România, Network One Distribution, Bosch, Swarco, Telelink, Scope Systems, Nexpansion, Anadolu Automobil Rom, Vantage Towers, SMS Ticketing, Scala Assistance, Top Metrology, Bitcom IoT, Parko Mobility, Elbi Energy Projects, SIMAVI, Sysnet, Asse by Asseco, Omega Star Sistems, Integrisoft, Dewatering Silent & Piling, Vodafone Business, Self Pay
Parteneri Instituționali: ICI București, Elcen, Poșta Română, RoGBC, Graphtec Design
Parteneri Media: Phoenix Media, Profit News,, Agerpres, Radio România Actualități, Aleph News, IQAds, Nine O'Clock, Oameni și Companii, Matek, Ghidul Primăriilor,
Ambasadori ai Experienței: La Fântâna, Kafune
Confident Agency (, an agency specialized in marketing communication, won the award for the Communication of Innovation category at the 8th edition of the prestigious Smart City Industry Awards (SCIA 8), organized by the Romanian Smart City Association (ARSC).
ARSC awarded the most revolutionary initiatives in urban development, sustainability, and digital transformation. SCIA 8 awarded 39 prizes in 8 categories across various sectors, from mobility and urban transport to development and infrastructure, including data security and privacy.
In total, 60 projects entered the competition, with a total value of around €2 billion, representing 1% of Romania's GDP, a record for the Smart City Industry Awards.
"This award honours us and reconfirms Confident's strategic consistency in building consistent expertise of understanding and communicating for technology companies and. Confident Agency already has a complex portfolio of positioning relevant technology brands in consumer electronics, ecommerce & retail solutions, agritech, cyber security, fintech, enterprise or infrastructure solutions. ARSC is the most influential representative of public-private synergies for the creation and implementation of projects that transform Romania into a smart nation, and this partnership makes us ambitious to support them with all our resources in their goal", says Mara Gojgar, founder of Confident Agency.
"Confident Agency is a dynamic communications partner with a deep understanding of the complex field that smart village, smart city, and ultimately smart nation projects describe. The SCIA 8 event featured an impressive number of categories, each highlighting innovative solutions that contribute to the progress of the urban environment. From mobility and urban transport to sustainability and digital transformation, the awards demonstrate the desire to create more efficient, inclusive and sustainable cities. But much more is being done in Romania," said Eduard Dumitrașcu, President of ARSC.
The jury for the Smart City Industry Awards 2024 (SCIA 8) comprised notable figures from various sectors, each bringing extensive expertise and insight to the evaluation process. Led by Mayor Ciprian Ciucu, President of the Jury, the panel included distinguished individuals such as Dragoș-Cristian Vlad, President of the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania; Traian Urban, Director of Innovation Hub East at EIT Urban Mobility; Valeriu Zgonea, President of the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM); Prof. Guido Perboli from the Polytechnic University of Turin; Liviu Băileșteanu, Director of Policies and Strategies at MDLPA, Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration; Cătălin Frangulea, Director General of the Metropolitan Association for Sustainable Development of Public Transport Brasov; Nicoleta Cîrjan, Head of Foreign Relations, Tourism, and Events Office at Brașov City Hall; and Chris Cooke, Founder and CEO of SmartCitiesWorld.
The full list of winners:
1. Mobility and urban transport - Transport Public Bucuresti Ilfov (TPBI), Up to date with technology, closer to travelers!
2. Innovation and sustainability in administration - Adrian Tutuianu, Secretary General of the Government
3. Digitization and digital transformation (Digitization of Public Services) - Calarasi City Hall, Decisions making, strategic planning and simplified measures for citizens at the public administration level of the Municipality of Calarasi
4. Technology and innovation - ICI Bucharest, project for the integration of NFT technology in public services, ICI Decentralised Services.
5. Sustainability and environment - Glovo & eMobility Rentals, Pilot project for eco-friendly deliveries in Bucharest
6. Sustainability and environment - BMF Romania, Award for "Excellence in Sustainability and Environment"
7. Social inclusion and accessibility – The Mayor of Sector 5 Cristian Popescu Piedone – for the nZEB housing project for young people in Sector 5 of Bucharest
8. Education and culture in smart cities - National Robotics Team Autovortex Romania
9. Civic innovation and digital transformation - Phoenix Media
10. Mobility and Urban Transport - UrbanScope & Constanta City Hall, Improving mobility in Constanța, in Mamaia Boulevard area
11. Partnership of the Year - Ministry of Transport & Railway Reform Authority
12. Sustainability and Environment - Tecuci Town Hall, Revitalization and regeneration of the urban area of the Carol I park, Tecuci municipality
13. Mobility and Urban Transport - Galati City Hall & Zvarco Romania, Modern transport in the city of Galati
14. Digitization and Digital Transformation - Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI), for the electronic public employee ANTONIA and IMM Mentor projects
15. Technology and Innovation - Buzau City Hall - Intelligent traffic and public transport management system
16. Technology and Innovation - PAID for the integration of compulsory insurance against natural disasters on
17. Involvement and innovation for youth - Prefect of the Capital, Rares Hopinca for the project to prevent and combat drug use by young people
18. Best Smart City Project - Sector 6 City Hall, Mayor Ciprian Ciucu
19. Mayor of the Year in 2024 - Astrid Fodor, Mayor of Sibiu. Ciprian Ciucu, the winner of this award in 2023 handed over the presidency of the jury for the SCIA 2025 edition to Astrid Fodor, and in the Innovative Urban Development and Infrastructure category with the project Designing the banks of the Cibin river for bicycle track and spaces for relaxation.
20. Best Smart City Company - Mira Technology
21. CEO of the Year - Florin Pisica, CEO Top Metrology
22. Mobility and Urban Transport - micro payments via SMS project
23. Innovation in energy efficiency and sustainability - ELCEN
24. Mobility and Urban Transport - Anadolu Automobil Rom, project Renewal of public transport in the City of Chitila through the purchase of 23 electric buses and related charging stations
25. ARSC Special Award - Metrorex, project Connecting the metro network to Henri Coandă International Airport. Highway 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni
26. Technology and Innovation - Vantage Towers
27. Mobility and urban transport - Iasi City Hall, Green and smart public transport - Dacia Depot Modernization
28. Innovative urban development and infrastructure - Craiova International Airport
29. Digitization and digital transformation - Fast Park & Orange Romania for Romexpo Parking & Ticketing
30. Technology and innovation - Regista for the Regista Solution
31. Mobility and urban transport - Focsani City Hall & TeleLink
32. Mobility and urban transport - Alba Iulia City Hall, Integrated mobility system
33. Digitization and Digital Transformation - Suceava City Hall, Center for Innovation and Civic Imagination
34. Sustainability and environment - Piatra Neamt City Hall, Urban regeneration project - Zoo
35. Communication of Innovation - Confident Agency
36. Mobility and urban transport - Drobeta Turnu Severin City Hall & Scope Systems, Smart bus stops
37. Education and culture in smart cities - Botosani City Hall - Project "Eminescu, one culture, one root"
38. Education and culture in smart cities - Bistrita City Hall- ProjectsFrugal cities through energy efficiency and low-tech communities
39. Innovative urban development and infrastructure - Campina City Hall, The expansion, modernization and endowment of the pedestrian space in the central area of Câmpina municipality
The Smart City Industry Awards Gala, the 8th edition was organised under the Patronage of the Ministry of Energy and in partnership with EIT Urban Mobility, a body of the European Union
Main Partner: Urban Scope
Platinum partners: Magus by Mira Technologies, Glovo, eMobility Rentals
Event supported by: BAT Romania, Network One Distribution, Bosch, Swarco, Telelink, Scope Systems, Neexpansion, Anadolu Automobil Rom, Vantage Towers, SMS Ticketing, Scala Assistance, Top Metrology, Bitcom IoT, Parko Mobility, Elbi Energy Projects, SIMAVI, Sysnet, Asse by Asseco, Omega Star Sistems, Integrisoft, Dewatering Silent & Piling, Vodafone Business, Self Pay
Institutional Partners: ICI Bucharest, Elcen, Romanian Post, RoGBC, Graphtec Design
Media Partners: Phoenix Media, Profit News,, Business Review, Agerpres, Radio Romania Current Affairs, Aleph News, IQAds, Nine O'Clock, People and Companies, Matek, Ghidul Primăriilor,
Ambassadors of the Experience: La Fântâna, Kafune
For the first time ever, a Romanian brand (supported by the Romanian Marketing Institute) features in a marketing textbook in the latest edition of the best-seller "Marketing Communications - integrating online and offline, customer engagement and digital technologies" written by PR Smith and Zee Zook.
The Romanian natural water brand AQUA Carpatica is included is included in the 8th edition because of its strategic vision and creative execution of its integrated marketing communications plan. In particular, its impressive results – breaking into new markets attracted the authors interest in the brand. The successful launch of this customer-centric Romanian brand in the UK market highlighted the added value this brand brings to consumers' lives. The latest edition of this popular textbook is released by British publisher Kogan Page and includes visual interesting case studies from many corners of the world, from FIFA to KFC, from Guinness to Google, from Airbnb to Amazon, from artists like Ed Sheeran to Ariana Grande, covering B2C and B2B topics. The new application of AI (Artificial Intelligence) features in both part 1 (models and plans) and part 2 (the ten communications tools).
"For seven years now, at every visit of a colleague from Great Britain, I tell the story of the creation of the AQUA Carpatica and Dorna brands, of the value that quality Romanian products can bring when behind them are people who have the knowledge and ambition to put them into new markets. I am glad that I and we, as a team, at the Marketing Institute, are able to contribute to this international recognition of world-class marketing by Romanian professionals who know how to promote Romanian products within the hypercompetitive field of the international retail. Behind this success are not only the founders, but whole teams, together with their collaborators from the agencies whose collaboration is now even more valued. Above all, what’s even more inspiring, in the case of AQUA Carpatica is the ambition and generosity to promote not just one product, but an entire water category, and our national brand as a country " says Oana Sav, founder of the Romanian Marketing Institute and Center Manager of the Oxford College of Marketing in Romania.
Irish co-author, and renowned marketing practitioner, international speaker, writer and consultant and author of the famous SOSTAC® marketing planning methodology, PR Smith, says "Oana Sav insisted that I take a look at the AQUA Carpatica brand and their innovative marketing including expanding into new foreign markets, and I decided to take a closer look at who they are and what they do". PR Smith,
The AQUA Carpatica case study highlights 11 examples of good practices: market research (especially investing in a deep understanding of the Romanian communities and broader markets, their needs, values and beliefs); the compelling brand story that resonated with the values and aspirations of the Romanian community and the communication in an integrated social media campaign; nurturing a cultural connection by communicating the Romanian origins and heritage of the brand, positioning it as a source of pride and connection of the Romanian community with its roots; marketing through well-targeted content - a campaign based on content related to the interests and needs of the Romanian community in Great Britain, Romanian tradition and culture and supporting Romanian events, celebrations and traditions; development of educational resources (distribution of educational materials and curation of specialized content); shared resources in the community - online accessible information, engaging users in relevant conversations and discussions; leveraging influencers and networks of the Romanian community - choosing representative brand ambassadors and building a relationship with the public; participation in Romanian cultural meetings, events and festivals; special experiences that also took into account how to build the experience with the brand, to create memories and special moments, not just a product presentation; user-generated content that helped create a sense of community; credibility, through reviews and testimonials collected from members of the Romanian community in Great Britain.
The campaign carried out over the course of a year included promotion in social media, optimization on search engines and banners (with geographical criteria related to the areas where Romanian communities are concentrated), put together official and governmental data and studies, data, and own market research, especially related to consumer preferences and behavior. For example, the audience data was built on geographic data related to the Romanian community, areas, regions, and postal codes, intersected with Tesco distribution points, ages relevant to the purchase decision and language spoken.
Alina Balațchi-Lupașcu, PR & Trade Comms Director – AQUA Carpatica UK & Ireland, talks about the data required for launching on an external market, the clarity of the strategy, brand decisions in a context of growth, the pillars of a healthy communication strategy, in the podcast Marketing Talks, produced by the Marketing Institute. Alina, has just enrolled the leadership program, the most advanced course certified by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).
"At that time, AQUA Carpatica was an absolutely unique product on the UK market, with a unique selling point related to nitrates, almost non-existent and very important and relevant for the UK market, an extremely low sodium content, which we, as you will see in the textbook, translated, including on the packaging, which was made specifically for the UK market. So, we responded to a consumption occasion, we made a complete or almost complete package, because everything is perfectible." – explains Alina Balațchi-Lupașcu.
The new 8th edition of the "Marketing Communications - integrating online and offline, customer engagement and digital technologies" textbook, recommended by the Chartered Institute of Marketing for integrated communication and campaign planning courses, as well as digital marketing courses, offers readers (students and practitioners alike), countless useful tips and examples, covering all aspects of marketing communication. The volume also includes solutions to objectives related to consumer behavior, advertising campaigns, PR, virtual reality, big data, marketing automation and the use of AI.
Ted Talker, PR Smith, the author of the SOSTAC® marketing model - voted in the top of the best performing business models by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) - has written numerous books on strategic planning, communication, and digital marketing. Specializing in digital marketing strategy, digital planning, change management, marketing automation and creativity in business and marketing, PR Smith has delivered a series of strategic planning courses through the Marketing Institute.
The new intensive course "Strategy & Tactics in a Digital World - with AI Influence", delivered by PR Smith in Romania for the Marketing Institute, will take place online, in the form of four online interactive sessions (3-hour webinar) on the days of 22-23 and 28-29 May 2024, from 9:00 a.m. This interactive digital marketing course supports organizations to stay competitive and develop optimal strategies. More details here: